How You Can Train for a Major Rock Climb

Of all the many extreme sports and alternative cardio methods, rock climbing is one of the most underrated. Not only is rock climbing a brilliant way to get yourself outside (if you want), but it is also a brilliant full-body workout. But rock climbing can also be a dangerous and extreme sport if you are interested in the most intense and extreme climbs available in the natural world. To accomplish these climbs, you need to go through some pretty rigorous training. Here are some ways that you can train effectively for a major rock climb and be fully prepared.

Try Smaller Climbs

The first way that you can train for a major rock climb Is by trying smaller climbs first. While it should go without saying, you shouldn’t take on a major rock climb if you have never been rock climbing before in a simple or easier climbing situation. But even if you are an experienced climber, getting in your reps on easier climbs can help build the muscle memory and skills that you will need on bigger, more difficult climbs. Consider going on a collection of shorter climbs in preparation for a major rock climb to prepare effectively.

Train at a Gym

Another great option available to you to train for a major rock climb is to train at a rock-climbing gym. There are many indoor and outdoor climbing gyms throughout the country that offer different difficulty climbs that are repeatable and expertly designed to prepare you for big climbs. You need the right safety equipment for bouldering to avoid injury. Make sure that you are wearing the proper footwear for climbing as well as a helmet to keep yourself safe from head injuries and falls as best as possible.

Lift Weights

The final way that you can train for a major rock climb is to lift weights regularly in the gym. While rock climbing is a full-body and cardio workout, it requires a lot of strength as well. The stronger you are in the gym, the better able you will be to perform very difficult and intense climbs with ease. Try to lift at least three times per week and focus on progressive overload to increase your strength and stamina for better climbs.

Rock climbing is a fun and exciting way to get your exercise. But if you want to take climbing to another level with more intense rock climbs, then you are going to need to prepare. Try these three methods to prepare yourself for a major rock climb the right way.

Check out this article on the other outdoor activities you can do in the mountains!

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